St. Anthony Clothes and Food Pantry Fundraiser

Cathedral Sanctuary. Source: Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony in Detroit, Michigan Official Website, edited by Eugene Lupro

The Cathedral Church of Saint Anthony was established as the seat of the Primate of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, The Most Reverend Karl Rodig, in 2010 when his church took possession of the church after a four-year closure by the Archdiocese of Detroit. Archbishop Karl and his parishioners have spent years renovating the beautiful church as a testament to their faith in Christ and the City of Detroit. The ECCC is an open and inclusive Christian denomination, welcoming all of God’s children, including those who might otherwise be denied the sacraments like Divorced and LGBTQ+ people.

In 2011, Archbishop Karl and his church opened a clothes and food pantry serving those in need from the local community. Every Saturday, the Saint Anthony community welcomes those less fortunate and most in need. The archbishop and his flock represent the best in Christianity, and we hope to help them in their ministry. If you wish to contribute to our fund for them, please use the link below.

Our goal is to raise at least $1,000 before the 1st of December.

The Cathedral of Saint Anthony is located at 5247 Sheridan Street, Detroit, MI 48213. You can find more information about their church on their website.

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